Fotanian Exhibition

Fotanian 展覽會

Fotanian open studio event brings together a vibrant community of artists and art lovers who transformed industrial lofts into art studios. In collaboration with HKARTLAB, the contour chair harness the potential of cnc milling and the properties of plywood to create a visually stunning piece of furniture/ sculpture that morphs and distorts to the curves of the body.

Fotanian 開放工作室聚集了一群充滿活力的藝術家和藝術愛好者,讓他們將工業大廈變成藝術工作室。我們與HKARTLAB合作做成的的輪廓椅最大限度利用了數控銑床和膠合板的潜能,創造出了一件能展现曲線美的家具雕塑。