Hong Kong Arts Centre exhibition


The 'Beyond Architecture' exhibition ponders what architects do aside from architecture. The 'Tumbler chandelier' aggregates an ordinary object into a surprising spectacle. The tumbler is found in any local restaurant and cannot be more inconspicuous; yet, given a formal arrangement and light, they transform into a stunning chandelier. Beauty can be uncovered in unlikely places by those observant.

Beyond Architecture是一個探索建築師創除了建築以外還會創造出甚麼的展覽。 Tumbler Chandelier這個作品把一件普通的物件拼出了震撼的效果。雖然這玻璃杯隨處可見,毫不顯眼。但透過認真的排列和燈光效果,我們把這平淡無奇的物件變成了一盞華麗的吊燈,只要細心觀察,再不可能的地方也能發現美。