Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp Renovation



The HKFYG Jockey Club Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp is the most popular camp site in Hong Kong with 100% occupancy rate. This final phase of upgrading widens the programming possibilities for the camp, and stresses on sustainability in all design and material choices. The food recycling program utilizes the concept of the 'Eco-Polygon', where food waste, worms fish, and aquaponics form a self-sustaining loop. Campers are educated on sustainability besides physical training.

香港青年協會賽馬會西貢戶外訓練營是香港最受歡迎的露營地,入住率達到100%。在升級的最後階段,我們拓展了營地的可能性,並力求在設計及材料選用上保持可持續性。我們也在食品回收計劃裡應用了 'Eco-Polygon' 的概念,例如將厨餘,蟲、鱼、蔬菜形成一個自我維持的生态圈。露營者也可從中增加對可持續發展的認識。