Created a prototype MVP store for a retail start-up


With Good Goods, a retail startup based in New York that was selected into Urban-X accelerator run by MINI and BMW, we devised a MVP prototype store in the middle of SOHO Manhattan. Using minimal means of touching up the store and technology integration including pedestrian and customer sensors, we protoyped the next generation retail-as-a-service model for merchants .

Good Goods 是一間位於紐約的一間初創零售公司。其被由MINI和BMW運營的Urban-X技術型初創企業加速器選入。我們在曼哈頓蘇豪區開設了一間MVP原型店。我們用了最簡單的方式結合包括行人和客戶傳感器在內的最新科技把商店升級,為商家們創造一個次世代「零售即服務」模式的原型。